Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Go War Hawks!

Well, there's a hint of celebration in the air around here tonight...

Taylor made the calls tonight, politely declining the offers from other schools, and then accepting his offer to play football at.................. McMurry Unversity in Abilene, Texas.


So, right now, the babies are tucked in bed, I'm getting some laundry done, Emily is at rehearsals for Little Women, Bailey is chilling out on the couch, and then.... there's giggling and snickering from the living room... sounds like 2 little boys... but wait, what's that?! It's not 2 little boys. It's Troy and Taylor playing Wii Olympics. 2 grown men. Teasing and talking smack. Laughing their heads off. I won't lie - I will miss these sounds when Tay leaves, but for tonight - JOY and GRATITUDE is in the air.

Earlier we gathered in the kitchen as a family and listened to Tay go over all of his decision making process with us as he asked for his dad's and my approval... (we have from the beginning said that it's 100% his decision and we will get behind it, but we are glad to guide and help him work through it all...) So, we blessed him with not only our permission, but our proud approval and then circled up to pray. Taylor praised and thanked God for this opportunity and gave it all back to the Lord. It was one of those moments... one that will never be forgotten. A jewel in the treasure box of family memories.

Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wedding Video...Hilarious!

I have no idea who these people are or anything about them, but I thought this was soooo funny. And cute. And romantic. And memorable...

At first I thought how fun this must've been for the adorable bride. And then I kept imagining the groom and all his buddies putting this together and practicing and the giggles just kept on coming.

It makes me think about that young, fresh, pure, sweet, new love. You know how in the beginning it's so full of laughter and fun things? How is it that so many lose that along the way? We get caught up in the daily things... sometimes stressful, difficult, and painful ... and forget to laugh.

One time in some family gathering... I don't know if it was a holiday, or just dinner around the table.... (doesn't matter - my mom never needs a "reason" to encourage - she just does it!) Anyway, one time in front of all of our family, my mom was affirming and building up Troy (every man should be so blessed to have a mother-in-law who does this) and one thing she said was that Troy knows how to have FUN. And you know what? She's right! He brings such joy, fun, laughter and sometimes silliness to our everyday life that things are NEVER ho-hum.... And I am so grateful. Honestly, I can be a little "serious" and a little "responsible"... To the point that sometimes I lose perspective... So I LOVE when Troy "mixes" things up a bit. :D

Okay, Troy has never done a Bieber song for me.... but he does do a mean Hulk Hogan impersonation... :D Ha! Hope ya have a great day!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bug is 3!!!

Joshua by his birthday gift from Emily and Bailey - a soccer goal! :) 3 big brothers... At the party we only had 2 other families, both with three year old boys - AND - they both have little brothers just like Joshua. So we had 6 little boys! How fun and adventurous!!!

Bug and Tay shooting hoop.

Here's big sister Bailey helping Joshua and his friends make a birdseed craft. It's a bagel with peanut butter and birdseed. You set it out for the birds and squirrels.

Troy had way more fun than the little guys.

Not sure why they are all so frowny, but thought it was cute anyway. This is Kelley, Tay's girlfriend.

Yay!!! Cupcakes!!! Need I say more?

The man of the hour.... Joshua the Great! Who is unwilling to smile for his sister Emily (the photographer for the party).

Opening presents... he got some great ones!

He got a drum set with all kinds of fun rattles, shakers, and tambourine-like things inside of it. Remember me telling you how he yells out "high school band!" all the time?... now we have our own.

This is Chris (worship leader at church), Will (his son), Troy, Joshua, Bailey and Taylor breaking it down in a little "joyful noise" fun... Woooohoooo! A good time was had by all. Happy Birthday Joshua!!! I love you with all my heart.

State Champion Parade

On Saturday our community celebrated the State Championship all together at a little parade in the town square. I knew it was going to be great, but had no clue how special it would be... or how weepy I would get. :) It was a great way to wrap this all up though... The Championship game was on Friday Dec 16th. Because it was in Cowboys' stadium with a game immediately after ours we never really got to celebrate as a community. Then it was Christmas holidays.... So, this was so nice to all join together one last time (tears) to rejoice and share the amazing gift of this season. Over the siren/speaker, the sheriff's deputy announced: "THE 2011 STATE CHAMPIONS, THE MIGHTY WIMBERLEY TEXANS!!!"

The band remains one of our favorite parts of this whole experience. I already miss them. They were top notch and Joshua still runs around the house yelling, "HIGH SCHOOL BAND!"

Here's Coach Nelms in a convertible corvette. Very cool. And also very funny. He looked a little out of place. I was relieved when he actually made a joke about it later and admitted how funny it was for "this old country boy to be riding in a corvette". By the way - he was the epitome of humility. His wore his heart on his sleeve when he spoke, unashamed to let the tears flow about what this had meant to him. He gave credit for the championship to his coaching staff, the community, and to the hard work of the team.

Here's #79 waving like a maniac to Joshua. That's his buddy and running back Dennis Smith next to him.

Here's our Mayor congratulating the team and introducing others...January the 7th was declared Wimberley Texan Day. We had a couple of county commissioners present, the entire school board, principal, superintendent, and our State Rep Jason Isaac. Mr. Isaac presented Coach Nelms with the flag that flew over the State Capital the day of the game.

Here's the big trophy... notice that the UIL misspelled Wimberley. :D

Here's Tay and good buddy Nico Alana. Arguably one of the best middle linebackers in the state.

Tay and the Lambert boys Brady (qb) and his little brother West that got moved up to varsity for the playoffs and was the leading tackler for special teams (he's only a freshman).

Now... these last 5 pics are my very heart.

I should turn this one into a postcard that says... "Welcome to Wimberley, where the beauty of the Texas hill country abounds, championships are won, and the 5 most beautiful children in the world reside"... It's not a bad idea.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

So Blessed - 2011

We are so blessed... Our cup (or basket) runneth over..... :D

Lord, thank you for another year full of life and joy. We celebrate our salvation in you, the joy and peace in knowing you. We celebrate all the good things you give us in this life here on earth... not the least of which is our family. I love my husband. He loves me. We we have 5 strong, healthy, beautiful, joyful children. They are growing deeper and stronger every day in their knowledge and love for you God. You have given them many talents and we as parents have delighted in watching them develop those talents. Oh Lord, we are rich in all of your blessings... thank you!

I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. John 10:10, The Message