Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Emily Ann's Little Women

Emily Ann is in our local theatre (Emily Ann Theatre - cool huh?!) production Little Women. She hates this picture, but of course I think it's adorable! ;)

She has so enjoyed working with all of these wonderful people. Every practice and every show has ended with her in high spirits and kind things to say about everyone in the show.

Emily is playing the role of the Amy when she's older. This is her posing with younger Amy (whom she adores!)
I'm so stinking proud of my girl! I'm proud that she's so kind, so strong, so beautiful, so talented, so...........precious to our family. I'm proud that she's okay with being a little different than the rest of us. We tease her endlessly about not being athletic like the majority of our family. The truth is, she is athletic (she used to run, swim, dance, etc...), she's just not super competitive (unless we're playing scrabble). My girl's passions and gifts are not wrapped up in sports... She loves books, theatre, music, art, the library, museums, worshipping God, and all things creative. She's................. different. And I LOVE IT!!! I celebrate it! Go Emily!!! You are amazing girl!

1 comment:

  1. You and Troy have done an amazing job with all of your kiddos, but I have this weird connection with that Emily girl. She's truly such a doll, and I consider her to be one of my very best friends. Love you guys so much! Enjoyed reading, as usual. <3
