Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Meat To Chew On.......Part 2

Yesterday I posted a chunk of verses that I've been working through/meditating on lately and I really wanted to share some things that God is showing me, but as usual, Titus was climbing all over me and we were in a rush to prepare for church........... so, I just left it with the verse. Which of course is plenty. God's word is alive and active and really doesn't need my help. ;)

But of course, as it goes with me, these verses are still settling deep into my heart and I can't seem to think of much else. So, while I'd like to take it all apart for you and share - once again my mama duties call - so I will quickly hit the highlights. This is my Reader's Digest version of things that God is showing me.

I love that at the end of vs 3 it says that he called us by his own glory and goodness. All of my relationship with him should be framed with this - his glory and goodness. It would change how I look at everything.

Vs. 4 talks about his "very great and precious promises".......... it'd be amazing to make a list of those... and it says that through those "very great and precious promises" we can participate in the divine nature- this is the SUPER NATURAL!!! How exciting is that?! We can escape the world's corruption and participate the in the super natural things that God is doing... WOOHOO. If that doesn't get you excited, you need to check for a pulse!

In the next few verses is a list of qualities that we need in increasing measure so that we can be effective and productive in our knowledge of Jesus. Oh - I so don't want to waste my life. I want every moment of every day to be effective and productive - in my own growth, in my marriage, in my mothering, in my witness to the lost, in my encouragement to the body of Christ....

But the number one highlight is SO SIMPLE. It's at the beginning of verse 3............... HIS DIVINE POWER HAS GIVEN US EVERYTHING WE NEED FOR LIFE... Of course it goes on a bit, but what if we just meditated on that little chunk? God has given us everything we need for life. Everything.

I think of the list that I can sometimes make -
Oh how will I ever have enough ___________?
What if I don't know ____________?
I just can't ___________.
I'm not good enough, mature enough, smart enough, capable enough to _____________.
What if _______________?
and on and on and on....

But he says - HIS DIVINE POWER HAS GIVEN ME EVERYTHING I NEED FOR LIFE. HE - (God) - has the power to give EVERYTHING I NEED. EVERYTHING. FOR MY LIFE. My life means - all of it. Not just a portion. Not just spiritual matters. Everything. All my financial concerns, my desperate need for organization, my need to love, forgive, encourage, and cheer on my husband and children. My need to eat healthier. My need home school my children well. My need to know the right priorities of every day. My need to heal from past wounds. And it could go on and on. I need a lot and HE gives me everything I need. Hallelujah.

So here is the challenge for me and for you: If God calls us to do something, do we do the responsible and reasonable thing? Do we make a list of pros and cons and wrestle with it? Do we compare it to the cultural norm and realize how ridiculous it would be? Do we run because of the discomfort it would cause us? (hmmm, that's a good one) OR do we follow hard after Him, full of faith and trust in Him because HIS DIVINE POWER HAS GIVEN US EVERYTHING WE NEED FOR LIFE??? The bottom line is - do we believe God?

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