Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Extravagant Grace

There have been several times in my life when EXTRAVAGANT GRACE has washed over me....

You know those times when you realize what Jesus has done for you... when you realize what you've been saved from... or what you've been saved for? .... That the Creator of the heavens and the earth has reached down from glory to touch you? You... little ole you? Do you understand what I'm saying? At these times God moves me from first jumping up and down in praise and adoration of Him to the floor... my face in the carpet, sobs wracking my body. It's a goodness and a sweetness that's so rich it kind of hurts... Do you know what I mean? It's like there isn't one cell of my body that's unaware of the fullness and the glory of my God. It makes me think of Isaiah's encounter with God in Isaiah chapter 6. God is amazing and powerful and I am just so small... and yet, he finds me, knows me, loves me, graces me. Wow.

Well, that is what I'm feeling today as I share with you that I have had a visitation from the Holy Spirit... He has come to me... to my body. Making a miracle. He has created LIFE again in my womb. I am so happy that I want to shout it from the roof tops.... and sob on the floor. Who am I? Really............ who am I that He would look on me with such favor?

Do you realize that only 4 1/2 years ago I was a barren woman? And now, to be blessed again.... Wow.... God you are awesome. I am due to have our 6th baby in late October. :))) It has been so fun to share the news, especially with our big kids who are delighted. Thank you Lord for filling our quiver... not only a blessing, but an answered prayer for sooo many years. You are a faithful God.

"He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD" Psalm 113:9


  1. So, so, so happy for you!!! What joy!! Who are you?? You are Bonnie, highly-favored daughter of the King. The King shouts over you with shouts of JOY!!!
    Suzy V

  2. Bonnie....I am thrilled for you ! Oh my goodness. Thrilled !!!!! God is so good. I love you girl. Sure do miss you. Big hugs, gwynie

  3. Yippee!!!!! So excited to hear this! :)
