Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Eternal investment?

So, in my need to be honest and transparent.... I'll just say it's been one of those mornings!

It's 12:10PM and I'm still in my pajamas!!!! agh! I've been up since 6, so you'd think that somewhere in there I could've gotten dressed, but not so.

Titus woke only minutes after he went down for his morning nap, so out went any hope of getting things done... :0 Well, not really... Guess it all depends on what my goal is. Of course I'd like to have another load of laundry done by now, and I'd also love it if the kitchen was tidy, and of course a shower and some clean clothes. Oh, and brushed teeth would be nice! But, I'm here to say that I've gotten some things done. And they are far more productive and more eternal than any of those things I just mentioned.

You see, today I changed diapers... and changed them again. I cooked a hot breakfast for my big boy and packed his lunch and sent him off for the weekend. I've played soccer in the front yard in my pajamas (so sorry neighbors!) and shot some baskets too. I chased down our bassett hound and helped Joshua feed the cat. (we spilled cat food everywhere that had to be swept up!). I sang Happy Birthday to Joshua at the top of my lungs (even though it's not his bday, he just likes it when I sing it) and blew on a naked baby's chubby belly. I breastfed, dressed 2 boys, tied shoes, wiped some tears, laughed REALLY LOUD, corrected and disciplined a few times, and read the same book aloud 3 times. I've made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, kissed a couple of boo-boo's, planned a fun dinner for my hubby and girls' arrival tonight, and "delighted" in Joshua playing (maybe I should say blowing) his harmonica all around the house. This is was all before noon.

These things are eternal because they all invest in the hearts of my loved ones. To serve them is an honor.... in my humble opinion, to serve them is the HIGHEST of honors. I am thanking Jesus for the privelege of my role in this family... And while I'm at it, I'll thank him for the spit-up all over my shirt... ok, it's just my pajamas. :)

Hope your day is as blessed as mine!


  1. Oh Bonnie ! I love you ! It is so good to read your posts. ALL of them. But this one especially touched my heart. I miss those days. I do. I like where I am now. But....mmmmmmmm....those were good, good days. Love you friend. Keep writing !!! :)

    Gwynie Pie
    @ The Pink Tractor

  2. Beautiful Bonnie. Missing you but loving feeling like part of your life through your words. xo
