Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beautiful Things

I have seen a lot of beautiful things in my life... Some of the first to come to mind are: the mountain peaks of Colorado, the view of Piha beach in New Zealand, a baby fawn nursing in my front yard... I guess I usually think of nature when I think of beautiful. These are some of the most obvious of God's handi-work.

But there are other beautiful things... things that I see in my home... Things like this text from my husband this morning - "May God bless you and keep you all day! I love you babe. Keep me updated about my babies today." I love this man.

And then there's the beauty of Joshua's face when he sees Taylor walk in the front door... The adoration that pours out of him is indescribable. And honestly, the look on Taylor's face when he sees Joshua matches it.

I love the beauty of Emily in her pajamas sleepily looking around for Titus so she can hold him early in the morning.

And the beauty of finding Bailey asleep up in Emily's room because she wanted to be near her sister.

These are just things I see... There are so many beautiful things to hear also. Like: squeals and then "Daddy's home!!!" or "Mama, guess what I learned today?" or how about baby giggles... or one of my favorites - the noisy, happy chaos around the dinner table...

God, you are beautiful. You make all things beautiful. Thank you for adding so much beauty to our home.

Enjoy the pics below:
A bee gathering nectar from the blossoms on this sage.

The sage burst thousands of blossoms today. It's a purple explosion.

And the winner goes to...................... beautiful soft-skinned, gummy-smiling Titus!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Power of My Tongue

So, I will confess I have a real struggle... It's with my words. Sometimes I say unkind things - and always to the people that I love the most. Sometimes it's not WHAT I say, but HOW I say it...

This is not a new thing for me to be learning about myself. It seems it's been a struggle ever since I became a mom. And I hate it. I hate the sin in me... I hate Satan who loves this weakness.

I guess you could say that I've come a long way... I think my husband and children would say that. And yet, I've got a long ways to go. I admit it. I confess it. I repent of it. And I beg for forgiveness. Thank God that my family gives this forgiveness. But I still hate it that I hurt them sometimes. I will continue to study the Word regarding this. I will keep on praying about it.

Have I mentioned that I REALLY HATE this sin?

I know there is no condemnation for me... And I know that Jesus is refining me and gradually I am looking more like him and less like me. But it is a slow and painful process. I want ALL of my words to be full of LIFE, LOVE, and ENCOURAGEMENT.

The Lord has given me another verse about this today... one that convicts and inspires me...

Psalm 101:2 "...I will walk in my house with blameless heart..."

I want to walk in my house with a blameless heart... To love my husband and my children with blameless words.

I kneel and repent - to the Lord and my loved ones. And I get up and try again.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Eternal investment?

So, in my need to be honest and transparent.... I'll just say it's been one of those mornings!

It's 12:10PM and I'm still in my pajamas!!!! agh! I've been up since 6, so you'd think that somewhere in there I could've gotten dressed, but not so.

Titus woke only minutes after he went down for his morning nap, so out went any hope of getting things done... :0 Well, not really... Guess it all depends on what my goal is. Of course I'd like to have another load of laundry done by now, and I'd also love it if the kitchen was tidy, and of course a shower and some clean clothes. Oh, and brushed teeth would be nice! But, I'm here to say that I've gotten some things done. And they are far more productive and more eternal than any of those things I just mentioned.

You see, today I changed diapers... and changed them again. I cooked a hot breakfast for my big boy and packed his lunch and sent him off for the weekend. I've played soccer in the front yard in my pajamas (so sorry neighbors!) and shot some baskets too. I chased down our bassett hound and helped Joshua feed the cat. (we spilled cat food everywhere that had to be swept up!). I sang Happy Birthday to Joshua at the top of my lungs (even though it's not his bday, he just likes it when I sing it) and blew on a naked baby's chubby belly. I breastfed, dressed 2 boys, tied shoes, wiped some tears, laughed REALLY LOUD, corrected and disciplined a few times, and read the same book aloud 3 times. I've made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, kissed a couple of boo-boo's, planned a fun dinner for my hubby and girls' arrival tonight, and "delighted" in Joshua playing (maybe I should say blowing) his harmonica all around the house. This is was all before noon.

These things are eternal because they all invest in the hearts of my loved ones. To serve them is an honor.... in my humble opinion, to serve them is the HIGHEST of honors. I am thanking Jesus for the privelege of my role in this family... And while I'm at it, I'll thank him for the spit-up all over my shirt... ok, it's just my pajamas. :)

Hope your day is as blessed as mine!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Remembering Sweet Chrissie

So, it's painful... And I don't really want to go to that painful place... But it is life's reality (life here on earth that is).

Our dear friends the Patterson family who live here in Wimberley had to surrender their precious Chrissie to Jesus on this day 1 year ago.

We love the Pattersons... We grieve with them... We pray God's (and Chrissie's) nearness to them today...

Please read Lorraine's blog: to learn about this family, their journey, and for ways to honor and remember Chrissie's life.

Pattersons, we love you... There are simply no more words to express our hearts... :(

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mama's Boys

So, it's been a different kind of week around here... :) Troy took the girls to Disney World for a little Daddy/Daughter bonding, so I get the whole week with my boys! We've had a great time together! Dad and the girls flew out early Monday, so I figured the boys and I should start the week off right with some "man food". Here's Tay and Bug grilling us some delicious steak! :) mmm, it was wonderful! Taylor is a great cook! And of course, Bug can do anything that Tay can do. ;)

This is Bug's plate... a meal fit for a king. Of course this little king only ate the olives and craisins out of his salad... Oh well, more for big brother! :)

Today we drove to Fredericksburg and met Gran Ann and Uncle Doug for lunch and a visit to the Nimitz Museum. It appears that this is still one of Taylor's very favorite places on earth. For those who don't know, Taylor is not just an athletic stud... he's also a WWII history nerd. :) Here's Gran Ann and Bug on some kind of weapon???

Again... some kind of weapon that I don't know the name of... Sorry, Taylor's not here for me to ask. But aren't the "models" handsome?!

Gran Ann getting some Titus love... I know I'm biased... but my goodness! Isn't he beautiful?! Sometimes (like now) when I look at him I just cry...

It's official... Titus looks so much like Sir (Troy's daddy). He's the first of our children to favor him so much... but it is amazing how much his eyes look like him. :) I'm glad. Family genetics are a precious gift from God and it's fun to see how those genes pass down through the generations.

So we have a couple of more days before Daddy and the girls get home... Hopefully I'll survive the stinky feet and burping... :) Just kidding. These boys are the light of my life. I couldn't be prouder.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Home happiness, my responsibility!

"Home is the true wife's kingdom. There, first of all places, she must be strong and beautiful. She may touch life outside in many ways, if she can do it without slighting the duties that are hers within her own doors. But if any calls for her service must be declined, they should not be the duties of her home. These are hers, and no other one's. Very largely does the wife hold in her hands, as a sacred trust, the happiness and the highest good of the hearts that nestle there. The best husband - the truest, the noblest, the gentlest, the richest-hearted - cannot make his home happy if his wife be not, in every reasonable sense, a helpmate to him.

In the last analysis, home happiness depends on the wife. Her spirit gives the home its atmosphere. Her hands fashion its beauty. Her heart makes its love. And the end is so worthy, so noble, so divine, that no woman who has been called to be a wife, and has listened to the call, should consider any price to great to pay, to be the light, the joy, the blessing, the inspiration of a home.

Men with fine gifts think it worth while to live to paint a few great pictures which shall be looked at and admired for generations; or to write a few songs which shall sing themselves into the ears and hearts of men. But the woman who makes a sweet, beautiful home, filling it with love and prayer and purity, is doing something better than anything else her hands could find to do beneath the skies."
JR Miller

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Hurray! It's raining! We're rejoicing today over this answered prayer for rain! I'm loving it partly because it's so beautiful, it cools things off, it replenishes the earth and meets our needs, but also because it's just one of those things that shows God's great power! We've heard thunder, seen lightning, and watched the rain pour out on the parched land. The King glorifies himself in this and I am in awe watching. It's also a good time for homemade soup and some love and snuggling. :) Here's Joshua and Emily watching the rain. About 5 minutes after I took this lightning struck close by and scared us all to death! :0 It's so fun though!!!

The only down side is that it's hard on a little boy to be cooped up in the house while it storms. I drug in and dried off his little basketball goal so he can shoot some hoops in the house. (I know, I'm nuts... but hey, it works!) He and I have also made a giant batch of homemade laundry soap today and some chicken tortilla soup. It's been a pretty productive morning! I'm not gonna lie, it'd be a great day for Mama to catch a nap. :D

Thank you Lord for the rain!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well, it's been a while. And I hate it that I do this, because it's impossible to update all the special things that have happened over the last several months. But here's the highlights- The most exciting is that Mr. Titus Baldwin Robertson joined our family on Decemeber 10th. He weighed 10lbs 10oz and is such a sweet delight to all of us. Joshua has really welcomed him... REALLY. He's only thrown a ball at his face 3 or 4 times. (yikes!) He does seem to really love him though. Maybe he's just excited for Titus to play catch some day! :) Taylor's dream of a 6-man State Championship came true! They won the TCAL div. 2 Championship Game!!! Woohoo! It was so great! We are VERY proud of Taylor.

This is Tay's 18th birthday.... wow! 18 years old!

Gran Ann and Sir drove up for the birthday dinner. We had a great steak and a great night!

Did you know that dinosaurs live in one of my flower pots? I keep taking them out, but every day I find them there again. Hmmm, maybe Eden looked a little like this?

This is Kelley (Tay's girlfriend) and Joshua on prom night.

Here's Tay and Joshua being silly. (imagine that!)

I think that Emily is in love... She and Titus sharing a "cuddle". (new zealand word we love!)

Here's Em and her dad... another "cuddle". Little girls are never to big to sit in their daddy's lap.

Here's beautiful Bai and "Bug" at Bass Pro Shop Headquarters in Springfield, Missouri. We went on a trip there during Spring Break to attend the National Homeschool Basketball Tournament.

Bug an Grandie coloring eggs for Easter.

Here's Joshua and Titus (aka- Tunkey) in their first-ever bath together. I'm sure it's the first of hundreds! :)

Here's a silly little Joshua headed to the swimming pool!

Here's the 2 brothers, sucking the paci's in their football sweaters.

Taylor on his first day of public school (since 3rd grade) with his Batman lunch box. :)