Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Announcing, Miss Abigail Joy!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Turkey vs Santa

So the battle rages on in our house - Ha! Don't you love this?! At our house Troy's favorite holiday is Christmas... he loves every single thing about it. Especially the 3 or 4 weeks leading up to it. I, on the other hand, love Thanksgiving. My philosophy is that Thanksgiving is all the good stuff from both holidays - food, family, friends, food, football, food ;), etc... but without all the shopping, money crunching, praying they like the gift you got 'em, etc... Sooo, that settles it. I win! Thanksgiving is better. :D

Actually, (shhh, don't tell Troy!) I'm super excited about Christmas this year! I can hardly wait for the decorating, baking, shopping, music and Christmas movies. It's such a great time for memory making with our children. I love when we read each night of the Advent calendar and talk about God sending the Messiah in the form of a tiny babe... I LOVE IT! Maybe I'm really looking forward to this year since over the last 3 years we've had a few other things going on... like moving across the world! Like having 2 new babies! Like going to the 6-man state championship game! Okay, I'm actually praying that we still go to the state championship football game. But this year it feels like there's so much more joy and memories to be made around our house... After all, it's a brand new thing for our youngest sons and the last Christmas for Taylor as a kid in our home. (tears)

So, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season - both Thanksgiving AND Christmas!

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